Practising, rehearsing and recording can all be part of your musical life. Sometimes on your own, sometimes with others. Finding the right place and the right gear is not always easy. This guide will help you find local music facilities for rehearsing and recording your music.
We are all unique. We each have different backgrounds, experiences and interests. We are all at different ages and stages. Not all of the opportunities on this page will be for you, and that’s ok. Depending on how old you are, you might need to ask an adult to help you and/or come along with you.
Music Studios
Isle of Wight
Recording at Home
There is so much gear out there. Some of it can cost a lot of money. It can be hard to know what is worth it, and what is not. The Digital Native Artists team have put together a list of free tools for making music to help you get started.
We’ve also got some useful guides created by young producers as part of the DNA Programme
YouTube Tutorial Playlists:
Rehearsal Spaces
Ask your school, college or education setting
In Southampton:
On the Isle of Wight:
Also, around /near Southampton:
We’ll never have it all.
Tell us about venues, events and places to find music you know about!