Stadium Tour is bringing inspiring and inclusive music experiences touring across the city

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September 2017 Southampton Music Hub launches the Stadium Tour. As part of this years school's music programme, the Stadium Tour will be taking inspiring and inclusive music experiences touring across the city.

In July 2016, over 2,500 children took part in Sounds from the Stadium: making music at St Mary’s Stadium, alongside world-class musicians.

Building on the overwhelming success of this event, the Stadium Tour is taking inspirational and inclusive music experiences touring across the city. With performances and workshops from exceptional local, national and international musicians, high-quality music is accessible to every child, regardless of their background. Encountering and exploring music from a wide range of genres, styles and traditions opens up a new world of creative participation, building aspirations to engage in lifelong music-making.

This year's programme includes experiences with Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Welsh National Opera and Mayflower Theatre, as well as other inspiring music leaders and performers.