iPad Concerto project off to an exciting start at Shirley Warren Primary School


On Friday 8 September, year 6 pupils at Shirley Warren took part in their first iPad concerto workshop, where they were joined by members of the Són orchestra, spoken word artist and musician Ricky Tart, and Southampton Music Hub's Music Technology Leader, Matt Brombley. The afternoon started with all sixty pupils making music together, creating music with their instruments and voices. Then in group workshops, pupils made new musical ideas using their voices, iPads, and instruments. Over the next three weeks, Shirley Warren's Head of Music, Helen Mead, will help pupils develop and refine their ideas, which have been inspired by their class topic of World War Two, ready to bring everything together into a brand new piece of music in October. 

Matt Brombley, Music Technology Leader for Southampton Music Hub says:
"This is an exciting and ambitious new project, which is giving Shirley Warren pupils the chance to create music alongside incredible musicians, including Robin Browning, musical director of Són, and Ricky Tart. Thanks to the expertise of Helen Mead, we're able to pair inspirational workshops with work in the classroom, which we hope will boost pupils' ambitions and support deeper learning."