Hundreds join in free workshops and performances at the Music Fayre

On Saturday 27 January 2018, over 400 children, young people and adults, from all across the city, came together at Central Hall to take part in free workshops and performances as part of Southampton Music Hub's Music Fayre.

The day opened with Acorn and Elgar string groups performing together for a growing audience of families, including the Mayor and Mayoress of Southampton, who then officially opened the Music Fayre. After the official opening, the Mayor and Mayoress joined Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, and over 150 players of all ages and abilities, picking up a "Bamboo Tamboo", to be part of the biggest open-access, Family Orchestra the city has ever heard. 

Throughout the day free music workshops and performances included choirs — Delicious Sounds, Family Singing, Sing Out and Sing Force — as well as community music groups and ensembles — Pulse8, Ukulele Groups, Folk Active and Family Rock Jam — and families were also greeted by performances from some of the city's most talented "Award Holder" musicians. Southampton Music Hub, Hayes Music, CoMA South and Friends of Southampton Youth Orchestra also hosted stalls on the day.

Matt Brombley, Interim Hub Manager for Southampton Music Hub says:
"It was an incredible pleasure to host the Music Fayre again this year: proudly sharing Southampton's diverse musical communities; and inspiring families to take part in making music together. With free Family Music workshops now travelling around the city throughout the Spring, families of all shapes and sizes can find out how making music helps make lives better!"