Talented Young Musician from Southampton secures place in National Children's Orchestra

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Talented young musician, Lucy Gowans, has been offered a place in the under 13, National Children’s Orchestra for 2019. 

 Lucy plays the bassoon in three Southampton Music Hub ensembles — Southampton Wind Band (SWB), Southampton Youth Concert Sinfonia (SYCS) and Southampton Youth Orchestra (SYO) — as well as the violin in Southampton Youth Strings (SYS).  Lucy is also a music award holder.

Zoe Hunting, Service Manager for Southampton Music Services, says:
“We are always delighted to hear of young musicians from Southampton achieving at a national level. Lucy is a dedicated young musician who gives so generously of her time and talents to Southampton’s ensembles and she is an inspiration to the city’s younger players. We wish her all the very best in this exciting venture.”