Southampton Songbook 2014

Southampton Songbook 2014

The Southampton Songbook is a collection of original songs composed especially for the 50@50 project – a celebration of 50 events to mark 50 years of Southampton’s city status. Schools and individuals were invited to compose songs about Southampton’s people, places and history. The songs were mostly written with children and young people in mind (schools and choirs), however adults and community choirs may also find this book a useful resource to add to their repertoire.

Each song contains original lyrics and in some cases, children from several primary schools in Southampton have played a key part not only in writing the lyrics, but also offering ideas for the melodic, creative and stylistic content.

Find the complete songbook with lyrics and musical scores via the button below.

Find all of the downloadable audio files for the Southampton Songbook below.

Southampton Is The Best - Hightown Primary School

Southampton Is The Best (Full Track)
Hightown Primary School
Southampton Is The Best (Backing Track)
Hightown Primary School

Three Cheers for Southampton - A. Jones

Three Cheers For Southampton (Full Track)
A. Jones
Three Cheers For Southampton (Backing Track)
A. Jones

S is for Southampton - L. Mills

S Is For Southampton (Full Track)
L. Mills
S Is For Southampton (Backing Track)
L. Mills

Come Along with Me - Jo Downs

Come Along With Me (Full Track)
Jo Downs
Come Along With Me (Backing Track)
Jo Downs

The Legend of Sir Bevois - Jo Downs

The Legend Of Sir Bevois (Full Track)
Jo Downs
The Legend Of Sir Bevois (Backing Track)
Jo Downs

Deep in the Heart of Southampton - Bitterne Park Primary School

Deep In The Heart Of Southampton (Full Track)
Bitterne Park Primary School
Deep In The Heart Of Southampton (Backing Track)
Bitterne Park Primary School

Samba Round The Solent - A. Mills

Samba Round The Solent! (Full Track)
A. Mills
Samba Round The Solent! (Backing Track)
A. Mills

Shopping at West Quay - A-M. Taylor

Shopping At West Quay (Full Track)
A-M. Taylor
Shopping At West Quay (Backing Track)
A-M. Taylor

The Ships Sail In - Jo Downs

The Ships Sail In (Full Track)
Jo Downs
The Ships Sail In (Backing Track)
Jo Downs