Posts tagged Proud To Be
Proud To Be a History of Hip Hop (Event Resources)

Here you will find the final version of the Proud To Be featuring lyrics written by children from across Southampton and the Isle of Wight. In this version of the lyrics have been curated and performed by local rapper Larry Kazingizi, includes vocals by Southampton based artist Shannon B and was produced by KMaster Productions.

This song will feature in our History of Hip hop event at MAST Mayflower Studios on Tuesday 29th March. You will also find a PDF with the lyrics and a backing track for you to have a go at singing along or writing your own lyrics for the verses if you would like to.

Proud To Be (Southampton artists version)
Jo Downs
Proud To Be (Backing Track)
Jo Downs
Proud To Be... (Black History Month)

Learn the chorus to this original song written by Jo Downs for Black History Month. Encourage pupils to write about their your own experiences as a starting point to help write their own lyrics about what they are “Proud To Be…” for the blank verse sections then put it together with the chorus.

Also included here is the option to request the powerpoint we are using to workshop this in schools as a starting point if that’s helpful or you could sign up for one of these workshops for free yourself using the Booking button below.

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more
Proud To Be (with Chorus)
Jo Downs
Proud To Be (Backing track only)
Jo Downs