Posts by Nia Collins
Our Day Will Come Songbook

We are delighted to share with everyone brand new songs commissioned by Creative Island for our annual Vocal prom event at Carisbrooke Castle on Thursday 12th June! These songs are intended to be an expression of what it is to be a young person growing up on the Isle of Wight and to celebrate and champion their hopes for the future.

We have five new songs suitable for a a wide range of ages as suggested with lots of optional parts and arrangements suitable for a variety of ages and abilities. Along with the recordings and backing tracks you will also find pdfs of the the scores and a lyrics powerpoint to support practising these in your setting.

For those schools taking part in the vocal festival we would suggest that different age ranges learn the songs as suggested below but we will organise this with you during workshops to ensure you are happy and comfortable with what you are learning. Some songs are split into parts which will be ensure you have been allocated at your workshop to introduce the material. All songs will need to be learned off by heart for the outdoor performance where possible.

If you have not yet signed up for the vocal prom event and wish to do so please complete THIS form.

Our Day Will Come Project Lyrics for display and rehearsal

Time Is On Our Side by Graeme du Fresne

This cheerful song about school life on the IOW was written by Island composer Graeme du Fresne is suitable for both KS1 and KS2 with some optional harmonies during the chorus. We will be teaching actions in the workshop to support learning lyrics for KS1 pupils in particular. nb the lyrics on the score for this are slightly mismatched with the pdf and recording please refer to the recording and lyrics document for the final version.

Time is On Our Side Full Track
by Graeme du Fresne
Time Is On Our Side Backing track
by Graeme du Fresne

Changemaker by Emily Barden

This fun and uplifting pop song from Emily is suitable for KS1, KS2 & KS3(verses only for KS1 if too difficult to learn all the way through) with some optional harmonies and echo phrases. Kindly borrowed from Portsmouth Music Hub’s Song Source resources.

Changemaker Full Track
Emily Barden
Changemaker Backing Track
Emily Barden

You Are Not Alone by David Redston

This lovely musical theatre style song from Spotlight IOW’s composer in residence David Redston is suitable for all ages but we recommend KS1 only learn the chorus. schools will be allocated part to learn and follow in their introductory workshop. There are many optional harmonies and extras that could be included.

You're Not Alone
David Redston
You're Not Alone Backing Track
David Redston

It’s My Story Now by David Redston

Another fab musical theatre song from David Redston suitable from KS2, KS3 & KS4 with lots of opportunities for harmonies and additional parts if you feel able to use them. Your workshop leader will make sure you are learning the correct part suitable for the ability of your students.

It's My Story Now Full Track
David Redston
It's My Story Now Backing Track
David Redston

Can You Hear Us? by Jo Downs

This call and response pop song it suitable for all ages (KS1, KS2, KS3 & KS4) and will be the finale of our event on the day. You will only need to learn the chorus for the this song as the verses will be filled by schools writing their own verses for the song as part of the songwriting project. During your workshop you will be assigned parts and learn the body percussion at the end of the track.

Can You Hear Us? Full Track
Jo Downs
Can You Hear Us? Backing Track
Jo Downs

Retelling Our Stories - Black History Month 2024

We are so excited to have collaborated with local artists Shannon B and producer Sera Bless for 2024’s Black History Month song on a theme of Reclaiming Narratives; showcasing untold stories, correcting historical inaccuracies, challenging the narratives that have often overlooked the contributions and achievements of Black individuals.

Below you will find a KS2/KS3 music curriculum resource to go alongside the song outlining the topic, researching the themes and writing your own verse to fit with the existing chorus and example verse.

Retelling Our Stories
Shannon B & Sera Bless
A Big Night in Bethlehem! Christmas Songbook 2024

Below you find the songs and resources for our 2024 Christmas Songbook! This year after listening feedback from teachers we have focused our songs around the nativity story. Each song will tell the Christmas story sequentially and features varying styles and genres of music. Sign and sing video resources for each song will be added to our YouTube channel to support this and are embedded below.

Below you will find 6 songs - the first three have been written with Key Stage 1 pupils in mind and the last three are aimed at Key Stage 2 but any of them could be sung by either group if appropriate in your setting. For each song resource there is a guide track including vocals, a backing track and a pdf of the vocal score along with a lyrics document for printing and a powerpoint for easy display and learning along with the signing videos.

The tracks are as follows:

  1. The Message (KS1)

  2. Donkey, Don’t Stop! (KS1)

  3. A Big Night in Bethlehem (KS1)

  4. Under the Moonlit Sky (KS2)

  5. Herod - A Puppet King (KS2)

  6. Anthem for a Better World (KS2)

The Message (full track)
Jo Downs
The Message (backing track)
Jo Downs
Donkey, Don't Stop! (full track)
Jo Downs
Donkey, Don't Stop (backing track)
Jo Downs
A Big Night in Bethlehem (full track)
Jo Downs
A Big Night in Bethlehem (backing track)
Jo Downs
Under the Moonlit Sky (full track)
Jo Downs
Under the Moonlit Sky (backing track)
Jo Downs
Herod - A Puppet King (full track)
Jo Downs
Herod - A Puppet King (backing track)
Jo Downs
Anthem for a Better World (full track)
Jo Downs
Anthem for a Better World (backing track)
Jo Downs

Thanks to:

Composer Jo Downs

PowerPoint resources Anna Thompsett

Illustrations Mabel Thompsett

Makaton content Vicky Trevithick

Recording & Editing Aidan Hampson

The Story of Carnival (Mardi Gras 2024)


We are continuing our collaboration with The New Carnival Company to create and write with young people a new anthem to perform at Mardi Gras linked to their theme for this year. 

Schools signed up will receive a free creative workshop from the hub in the summer term to learn the chorus and create their own musical theme to sing, stomp, chant or play before the parade heads off on the day in July 2024!

You can hear the chorus for the new theme here and have a look at the music below.

The Story of Carnival
Jo Downs
The Christmas Stories Songbook

For Christmas 2023 Southampton & Isle of Wight music hub have commissioned a brand new songbook with original material written by music hub composer Jo Downs based on some well known Christmas storybook favourites and seasonal tales.

This set of songs will be used for the 4th December performance at Southampton Guildhall and the 5th December Christmas at Osborne House day as optional content. Please feel free to use this however you would like to use this in your own settings too regardless of your involvement in these projects!

For those involved in the Southampton performances:

Alongside this we would like you and the young people in your setting to CHOOSE a song from the 10 Minute Sign & Sing (KS2+) or 5 Minute Rhythm and Rhyme (KS1+) back catalogue you would like to perform. You can browse the Christmas content in one place HERE

A teacher’s meeting will take place online on Wednesday 1st November from 4pm - 5pm to discuss logistics for the 4th December and to introduce the songs.

ORIGINAL Songs and suggested age ranges:

He’s The Grinch Key Stage 1

There’s an Elf on the Shelf Key Stage 1

Who’s That Pulling The Sleigh Key Stage 2 & 3 (optional chorus for Key Stage 1)

Wishing For Joy Key Stage 2 & 3 (optional chorus for Key Stage 1)

Beneath The Winter Snow Key Stage 2 &

He’s The Grinch (Key Stage 1)

Based on Dr Seuss’ festive favourite - this song tells the story of The Grinch. There will be some simple actions or makaton signs to learn for the chorus. As there are a few verses we may assign these to particular schools so that we don’t have to learn all of them at once.

He's The Grinch
Jo Downs
He's The Grinch Backing Track
Jo Downs

There’s An Elf On My Shelf (Key Stage 1)

This funk track is all about that naughty Elf on the Shelf! This song has a repeated chorus and verse so not too many words to remember and an optional 2 part ending - if you’re not sure of this then just stick to repeating “I’ll miss that Elf”. Key Stage 2 students might like to join in with this one in the chorus.

There's An Elf On My Shelf
Jo Downs
There's An Elf On My Shelf Backing Track
Jo Downs

Who’s That Pulling The Sleigh?! (KEy stage 2+)

This song tells the story of The Christmasaurus written by Tom Fletcher from MyFly in the style of McFly! For this song we will be singing with a live band and it would be great if KS1 students could also learn the chorus of this to join in with if they would like to. There are a lot of words in each verse so I am going to suggest that different schools take a verse to learn each to save on memorising too many lyrics.

Who's That Pulling The Sleigh?!
Jo Downs
Who's That Pulling The Sleigh?! Backing Track
Jo Downs

Wishing For Joy (Key Stage 2+)

This wonderful song was written by Jo a few years ago but it’s message of kindness, thinking of those less fortunate and Christmas not being about materials things is particlarly relavant now. The chorus changes very subtly each time depending on the themes of the verse preceding it. The final chorus has some optional harmonies which we will workshop with you when we come in to teach the songs. Again if Key Stage 1 children would like to learn the chorus of this to join in with they are very welcome.

Wishing For Joy
Jo Downs
Wishing For Joy Backing Track
Jo Downs

Beneath The Winter Snow (Key Stage 2+)

This haunting ballad touches on themes of displacement and refugees and is included as a winter song with no mention of Christmas. The intro and outro features a simple harmony part which will be taught in workshops. There is also an optional harmony which can be learned through the whole melody line if you would like to.

Beneath The Winter Snow
Jo Downs
Beneath The Winter Snow Backing Track
Jo Downs
Nia Collins
Beneath the Winter Snow - Christmas Song Resources

We are excited to be sharing with you the resources for our Christmas song for 2022, Beneath the Winter Snow. This song was composed by Jo Downs. With Christmas fast approaching, we hope this will bring you into the Christmas spirit!

Below you can download and listen to the audio of Beneath the Winter Snow.

Beneath the Winter Snow (Full Version)
Jo Downs
Beneath the Winter Snow (Backing Track)
Jo Downs

Below you will find the lyrics for Beneath the Winter Snow, outlining the lyrics for both the main melody and the harmony parts of the song. You will also find the Score, for you to learn the instrumental part of the song.

Time For Change: Action Not Words - Black History Month Resources

We are delighted to be able to share with you a new set of vocal resources for Black History Month this year around the UK theme in 2022 which is ‘Time for Change: Action not Words’. We have two songs which we are workshopping in schools this month which we are also sharing in the song bank for you to make use of in the classroom if you would like to do so.

Our original track this year ‘Time for Change’ was composed By @JT_UK_, Produced by @Lovemade_Muru both local artists. You will find an instrumental only version of this, one that includes a vocal chorus with 16 bar gaps for you to write some rap lyrics plus a lyrics document for the verse and outlining the structure of the song. This version is more suitable for KS3 and up.

Time for Change (KS3+)
Composed By @JT_UK_, Produced by @Lovemade_Muru
Time for Change (KS3+) Instrumental
Produced by @Lovemade_Muru

Also included is a version of our song from last year by Jo Downs with new lyrics by Nia Collins around the theme for BHM this year Time for Change which you may find is more suitable for KS2 pupils. Again you will find a backing track and lyrics for this below.

Time for Change KS2
Jo Downs / Nia Collins
Time for Change KS2 Backing
Jo Downs / Nia Collins
Harmony Junction (Creative Cross-Currents with India & Sri Lanka)

Learn a new song in Hindi which is a fusion of music from East and West! Here you will find a tuition video and a performance video so you can learn the song in sections and practise with the performance video and lyrics on the screen. You will also find a powerpoint which takes you through learning the sections of the song with links to the videos and a structure for how to teach this. This will be a particularly useful practical resource for KS3/4 pupils learning about the features of Indian Classical music and fusion styles but it is also suitable for Key Stage 2 to sing with lots of optional extensions for the more able or adaptations for a simpler version.

Originally composed by Karan Rana and Dr Pooja Angra from Art Asia as part of the Belonging Project and adapted and harmonised by Nia Collins from Southampton and Isle of Wight Music Hub for the Creative Cross Currents Project at Dimbola Museum and Gallery.

These resources are part of a larger project - Creative Cross Currents with India and Sri Lanka and the exhibition or artwork relating to this at Dimbola Museums and Gallery which will be taking place on the Isle of Wight from 1st April 2022 until the end of the summer. CLICK HERE For more information on the other fantastic cross curricular education offers related to this from partnership organisations


Perform Along Video

Proud To Be a History of Hip Hop (Event Resources)

Here you will find the final version of the Proud To Be featuring lyrics written by children from across Southampton and the Isle of Wight. In this version of the lyrics have been curated and performed by local rapper Larry Kazingizi, includes vocals by Southampton based artist Shannon B and was produced by KMaster Productions.

This song will feature in our History of Hip hop event at MAST Mayflower Studios on Tuesday 29th March. You will also find a PDF with the lyrics and a backing track for you to have a go at singing along or writing your own lyrics for the verses if you would like to.

Proud To Be (Southampton artists version)
Jo Downs
Proud To Be (Backing Track)
Jo Downs
Proud To Be... (Black History Month)

Learn the chorus to this original song written by Jo Downs for Black History Month. Encourage pupils to write about their your own experiences as a starting point to help write their own lyrics about what they are “Proud To Be…” for the blank verse sections then put it together with the chorus.

Also included here is the option to request the powerpoint we are using to workshop this in schools as a starting point if that’s helpful or you could sign up for one of these workshops for free yourself using the Booking button below.

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more
Proud To Be (with Chorus)
Jo Downs
Proud To Be (Backing track only)
Jo Downs
Three Little Birds (5 Minute Rhythm & Rhyme)

Sing, learn the signs and do body percussion to Bob Marley’s Reggae classic as part of our Black History Month focus this term.

Join in with our inclusive series of musical and sensory activities created for SEND pupils in Early Years and Key Stage 1. Featuring action songs, rhythms, rhymes and of course Makaton signs, join in with Vicky where you can!

Anansi (5 Minute Rhythm & Rhyme)

Sing about African Folk Tale hero Anansi the Spider as part of our Black History Month focus this term.

Join in with our inclusive series of musical and sensory activities created for SEND pupils in Early Years and Key Stage 1. Featuring action songs, rhythms, rhymes and of course Makaton signs, join in with Vicky where you can!